I thought I would write this in a post, mainly so I don't forget. It was SO amazing. Joel's mom was here this past Sunday and she gave baby Ethan a ball. We tried to get him to say "ball" and he didn't respond. Up to this point, all he had said was "mama" and "dada". So we weren't surprised. Then a few minutes later, reaching for the ball, he said, "ba. ba." We were very excited. Later grandma said, "yes, you love grandma" to which he responded, "yah." He did it again a few minutes later, too. Then that night Joel was trying to show him to say "all gone" with his hands and he did it and said "a ga." Hooray! From 0-3 words in one day! Go grandma!
Then the next day he said "ka" for car. And today he kept pointing to cars on the road and saying "ka." I am floored by all of this! It's just crazy, how they grow up on you in one day. Literally. I will post videos soon:)