Well, Joel found a car that was the exact price of the check from the insurance company for his totaled car. So that was pretty lucky. It's a little red 2001 Kia Rio. It's pretty cute for the price he paid for it. He really wants to get a scooter when we move. He boasts how much money he will save on gas. I'm not completely set on the idea, but we shall see...
I finally have a teaching interview with the district this Thursday. I am scared even though I shouldn't be. This is just a "screening interview" to weed out all the people who shouldn't even be allowed to teach in a school. So it would be really crazy for me to not pass this one. Then after I am cleared, the principal at the Jr. High will interview me. I haven't worked since before Cassidy was born, so it is scary to think of leaving the kids and going back to work. With Joel's crazy shift work at the restaurant, I don't even know how to find child care. I think I will need to find a mom who stays at home to watch my kids. Hopefully I will find someone in my new neighborhood, but I don't even live there yet. I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Poor Baby Ethan has reflux and has a hard time keeping his milk down. He spits up at least 3-4 times between each feeding. Cassidy had it, too. So now Ethan is on baby Zantac. He screams when he eats and will only eat for about 5-6 minutes total. But he is still growing, so at least we don't need to worry about his weight like we did with Cassidy.
He has been smiling for a good few weeks now, but now he makes a little coo with his smiles that almost sounds like a laugh. It is the cutest. Meanwhile, Cassidy is learning her ABC's. She usually skips the "lmnop" part because it's hard. She does her best. She also is learning to be a math nerd like her mom. She knows her shapes: circle, triangle, oval, pentagon, hexagon and "palallagwam". That's right--she says parallelogram! That's my little math major!